Do Not Call Policy for Consumers & Customers!!

If you do not wish to receive any sales related calls from Global Telelinks Inc, you can ask us to place your name on the Global Telelinks Inc "Do Not Call" List. We will document your request immediately in accordance with federal and state laws. Please allow up to 30 days for your name and telephone number to be removed from any sales programs that are currently underway. Following are the ways to reach us to register your request:

· Your request can be in writing or by phone, and must include your name, address, and telephone number

· If you have multiple telephone numbers, kindly tell us all the numbers that you want to be removed

· You will remain on our "Do Not Call" List for 10 years; unless you move / disconnect your number or contact us to remove your details from the list.

· If your name, address or telephone number ever changes, you must give us your new information for your "Do Not Call" status to remain in effect.

When we solicit prospective customers, we honor "Do Not Call" requests on behalf of consumers that are maintained by various state-agencies. We also honor the National Do Not Call Registry maintained by the Federal Trade Commission. Many state "Do Not Call" regulations permit companies to contact their own customers even though they are on these "Do Not Call" lists. Therefore, if you are a Global Telelinks Inc customer, Global Telelinks Inc may contact you even though you are on a state or national "Do Not Call" list. If you do not want to be contacted by Global Telelinks Inc even though you are a customer, simply follow the steps above to be placed on the Global Telelinks Inc "Do Not Call" list and your request will be honored.

Being on the Global Telelinks Inc "Do Not Call" list means that you won't receive sales calls by anyone representing Global Telelinks Inc. We may still contact you, however, for non-solicitation purposes. This would include things like surveys, contract renewals and other service-related matters.

Click Here to Register!!

How to call?
How to call from Registered phone and from Unregistered phone.
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Do not call Policy
Do Not Call Policy for Consumers & Customers from Global Telelinks GmbH.
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